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Business Letter

Hei all.. pngin berbagi materi aja nih. biar bahasa nggris nya gak belepotan kaya aku. selamat menyimak. semoga bermanfaat  :)


Business Letter Writing: Inquiries - Asking for Information

We write an inquiry when we want to ask for more information concerning a product, service or other information about a product or service that interests us. These letters are often written in response to an advertisement that we have seen in the paper, a magazine, a commercial on television when we are interested in purchasing a product, but would like more information before making a decision.
Most letter inquiry are short and simple, so much so that many firms have adopted the practice of sending printed inquiry forms. As a prospective buyer, the writer of an inquiry states briefly and clearly what he is interested in, and this is receiver of the letter needs to know. An inquiry is sent when a businessman wants some information (an act of asking for information), especially about:

- the supply of goods                                                     - delivery times and deadlines
 - leaflets or catalogues                                                 - method of transport
- quotation or prices                                                       - insurance
- samples                                                                             - terms and discounts
Remember to place your or your company's address at the top of the letter (or use your company's letterhead) followed by the address of the company you are writing to. The date can either be placed double spaced down or to the right.

·         The Start: Dear Sir or Madam
To Whom It May Concern - (very formal as you do not know the person to whom you are writing)
·         Giving Reference: With reference to your advertisement (ad) in...
 Regarding your advertisement (ad) in ...
·         Requesting a Catalogue, Brochure, Etc.: After the reference, add a comma and continue - ... , would (Could) you please send me ...
·         Requesting Further Information: I would also like to know ...
Could you tell me whether ...
·         Signature: Yours faithfully - (very formal as you do not know the person to whom you are
·         writing)
Terms of Payment
          Cash in advance                                                                                                tunai di muka
          Cash with order (c.w.o)                                                                 tunai beserta pesanan (t.b.p)
          Cash on delivery (c.o.d)                                                                                tunai waktu terima (t.w.t)
          Payment quarterly/monthly/at sight                                      pembayaran suku tahunan/bulanan
          Our usual terms are cash against documents (c.a.d)         syarat berdasarkan dokumen/faktur
          We can allow you three months credit                                   pemberian kredit 3 bulan
          c.i.f (cost, insurance, freight)                                                      harga, asuransi, angkutan
          c & f (cost and freight)                                                                   harga dan angkutan
          f.o.b (free on board)                                                                      penyerahan diatas kapal
          f.a.s (free alongside ship)                                                             penyerahan disisi kapal
          f.o.r (free on rail)                                                                             penyerahan di gerbong
          These prices are ex warehouse                                                 harga gudang
          Freight and insurance to be paid by buyer/by you            angkutan dan asuransi dibayar oleh                                                                                                                         pembeli/anda
          Delivery will be made within two months of receipt of your order
                pengiriman akan dilakukan dalam masa dua bulan sesudah diterima pesanan anda

An Example Letter
Kenneth Beare
2520 Visita Avenue
Olympia, WA 98501
Jackson Brothers
3487 23rd Street
New York, NY 12009

September 12, 2000

To Whom It May Concern:
With reference to your advertisement in yesterday's New York Times, could you please send me a copy of your latest catalogue. I would also like to know if it is possible to make purchases online.
Yours faithfully
Kenneth Beare
Administrative Director
English Learners & Company

Business Letter Writing: Responding to Inquiries and Requests for Information

It is very important to make a good impression when responding to inquiries from potential customers. Of course, the best impression will be made by providing the materials or information that the perspective client has asked for, this positive impression will be improved by a well written response.
Remember to place your or your company's address at the top of the letter (or use your company's letterhead) followed by the address of the company you are writing to. The date can either be placed double spaced down or to the right. You can also include a reference number for correspondence.
Important Language to Remember
·         The Start:
Dear Mr, Ms (Mrs, Miss VERY IMPORTANT use Ms for women unless asked to use Mrs or Miss)
·         Thanking the Potential Customer for His/Her Interest:
Thank you for your letter of ... inquiring (asking for information) about ...
We would like to thank you for your letter of ... inquiring (asking for information) about ...
·         Providing Requested Materials:
We are pleased to enclose ...
Enclosed you will find ...
We enclose ...
·         Providing Additional Information:
We would also like to inform you ...
Regarding your question about ...
In answer to your question (inquiry) about ...
·         Closing a Letter Hoping for Future Business:
We look forward to ... hearing from you / receiving your order / welcoming you as our client (customer).
·         Signature:  Yours sincerely (remember use 'Yours faithfully' when you don't know the name of the person you are writing and 'Yours sincerely' when you do.
Example Letter
Jackson Brothers
3487 23rd Street
New York, NY 12009
Kenneth Beare
Administrative Director
English Learners Company
2520 Visita Avenue
Olympia, WA 98501
September 12, 2000
Dear Mr Beare,
Thank you for your inquiry of 12 September asking for the latest edition of our catalogue.
We are pleased to enclose our latest brochure. We would also like to inform you that it is possible to make purchases online at http:\\
We look forward to welcoming you as our customer.
Yours sincerely
Dennis Jackson
Marketing Director
Jackson Brothers

sekian dari saya. thanks for visit :)


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